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Bird Friendly Calgary

In 2021, Calgary became one of Canada’s first certified Nature Canada Bird Friendly Cities, along with Vancouver, Toronto and London. In November 2023, Calgary was recertified and upgraded from Entry to Intermediate level.  

Bird Friendly Certification aims to highlight and mitigate threats that have contributed to the loss of an estimated 3 billion birds on the landscape over the last 50 years.


What Makes a Bird Friendly City

Nature Canada with support from Environment and Climate Change Canada looked at the top threats facing birds in the urban environment and created a rubric to score cities in different areas. See below for more information on what is involved and where Calgary stands. 

Mandatory criteria


Six criteria that have to be fulfilled to become Bird Friendly

Threat reduction 


Working to reduce specific human-related threats to birds including those related to owned pets, windows, lights, pesticides and plastics

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A closer look at landscape based threats

Photo credit: Dan Arndt

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How we connect with the community

Habitat protection, restoration and climate resiliency

Community outreach and education 


S. Jordan-McLachlan


There are many small actions that you can take to become more bird friendly! 

To find out about events coming up in Calgary relating to birds and nature see here

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